The South African
Military History Society

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging

Southern Africa's Birdmen of World War One, 1914-1919
A List of Southern Africans in the Royal Flying Corps, Royal Naval Air Service
and the Royal Air Force

By Ross Dix-Peek

Approximately 2000 Southern Africans(1) served in the R.F.C., R.N.A.S. and the R.A.F. during World war One(2). They came from various Southern African countries including South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia and even Swaziland. They served with distinction and many paid the ultimate price. They served in the skies over the Western Front, Mesopotamia and Palestine, and East Africa. They included South African-born Captain A.W. Beauchamp-Proctor, who would end up as the Fifth-highest scoring air-ace of the British and Commonwealth Air Forces, with 54 victories, and receive the Victoria Cross; South African-born Samuel Kinkead, who would end the ill-fated Russian Campaign of 1919 as the Royal Air Force's top-scorer with between five and ten victories; Rhodesian-born Lieutenant D.G. "Tommy" Lewis, who was fated to be the last man to be shot down by the legendary Baron Von Richthofen, known as the "Red Baron", and live to survive; and Major Allister Miller, born in Swaziland, who was instrumental in recruiting many Southern Africans into the R.F.C. and R.A.F., and who would play an enormous part in pioneering of commercial aviation in South Africa after the War. It was also a South African, namely Lieutenant-General J.C. Smuts who would found the Royal Air Force, heading a committee that brought about the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) and the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS), which resulted in the formation of the R.A.F. on the 1 April 1918. Southern Africans serving in the R.F.C., R.N.A.S. and the R.A.F. would receive countless decorations (as mentioned above, the Victoria Cross being among them), and some would go on to reach senior rank in the Royal Air Force, the South African Air Force, and the Rhodesian Defence Force.

Abbott, TrenleyAdams, H.S. (Bfn)
Albu, W.G.Alexander, A.F.
Alexander, S.C.R.Alger, G.C.*
Allen, C.E.Allen, V.W.(3)
Allen, W.F.Allpass, S.R.
Andas, L.Anderson, I.D.
Anderson, K.V.Anderson, Leonard S.
Anderson, R.W.L.*Anderson, W.M. (Rhodesia)
Andrews, J.W.*Armstrong, C.
Armstrong, D'U.V.(4)Armstrong, T.A.
Arnot, W.Aronson, J.A.
Aronson, J.G.Aserman, D.
Atkinson, W.R. 
Baartram, H.W.L.Bain, J.J.
Baker, A.H.Baker, A.R.*
Baldwin, C.L.*Bales, F.O.
Bar[r]on, H.K.Barr, E.D.
Bartlett, A.F.Bartlett, M.*
Barton, C.B.Baumann, M.O.*
Bayley, F.G.*Bayley, Gordon*
Beachcroft, William Fortescue*Beauchamp-Proctor, A.W.
Beck, C.A. (RNAS)Behn, R.C. Air Mechanic (RNAS)*
Bell, D.Bell, P.H.
Bell, W.D.M.Bellin, G.W.
Bellingham, F.R.Benjamin, Maurice A.
Beninfield, HughBennetts, E.A. (RNAS)*(5)
Berrington, M.T.Bertram, C.R.
Bettington, A.F.W. (RNAS)Betts, A.G.
Betts, G.C.Betts, R.V.
Biccard, E.E.Blackburn, G.F.
Blacklaws, J.Blair, J.
Blake, A.W.Blight, H.E.
Blyth, E.J.*Blythe, E.
Blythe, W.Boag, A.
Boardman, P.H.*Bonalla, A.J.
Borcherds, Claude (George, C.P.)Borrowman, J.J.
Bosman, Jan DanielBoult, J.
Bowles, F.C.Bown, Stanley Norman (Seapoint, CT)
Bradford, G.W.B.*Bradley, F.I.
Brand, C.J.Q.(6)Brandon, A.F. (RNAS)*(7)
Brandon, E.T.C.*Brandon, R.
Breach, W.T.Brent, J.R.
Brett, F.W.Brindley, V.G.*
Brink, J.H.Brodziak, P.H.
Brown, L.O. (R.N.A.S.)(8)Brown, T.A.
Browning, S. (Rhodesia)Brown, V.D. (N. Rhodesia)
Brownlee, W.T.Bryant, A.
Buchanan, A.N.*Buckeridge, G.D.
Budd, F.Bullen, Keith B.(C)
Burger, M.G.S.Burningham-White, W.(C)
Burt, A.H.Burton, C.L.
Busk, Clifford Westly (Uitenhage)(9)Bye, L.
Campbell, C.J.Campbell, G.
Campbell, H.W.Campbell, Ian D.*
Campbell, N.C.S.Campbell, J.
Canning, S.Carnegie, B.J. (S. Rhodesia)
Carpenter, M.A.K.Carter, C.G.
Carter, LionelCaspereuthus, Rheinhold (Tamboors Kloof)
Chadwick, J.W.Chambers, -
Christie, PercyClark, C.G.
Clark, H.Clark, S.
Clarke, A.V.Clarke, W.G.
Clayton, T.L.Clementz, D.M.
Clifford, Ivor (Qumbu, Transkei)Clisdale, -
Cloete, Dirk(10)Cock, H.T.
Cohen, RowanColeville, A.V.
Cook, N.R. (RNAS)Cooper, C.E.G.
Cottle, J.Cotton, R.S.
Corrie, MacCourt, C.A.
Cowan, D.G. (Douglas?)Craig, A. Knott
Cragg, A.Croudace, Harold (Rhodesia)*
Crowe, E.J.Creed, G.S.
Cribb, A.G.Cross, H.S. (S. Rhodesia)
Cruickshanks, Albert HarrowerCummings, W.R.
Cunningham, Val (P.E.)Curlewis, Ivan (Pta) (11)
Dainty, N. (S. Rhodesia)Dales, J.A.
Dalley, G.Dalrymple-Clark, D.S.
Daniel, A.H.Daniel, H.
Darrell, John (C.T.)Davie, Ross (Prieska)
Davie, Tom (Prieska)Davey, F.J.
Davies, A.S.J.Davies, I.G.
Davies, K.B.Davies, R.Q.
Davis, D.Davis, G.
Davis, R.J.G.Davison, H.F.
Day, J.De Beer, F.W.
De Beer, Bruyn, R.
de Waal, R.C.Deenik, Jack(12)
Deeper, J.H.Dendrino, S.
Dick, I.Dickson, W.
Donald, A.W.Donald, R.B.
Douglas, Arthur*(13)Douglas, Roderick
Dowell, P.J.Dowling, W.
Downard, V.V.Douglas, R.
Downard, V.V.Douglas, R.
Draper, M.E.Douglas, R.
Driver, John O.S. "Jack" (S. Rhodesia)(14)Duffus, L.
Duk, Frederick A.Duncan, J.W.
Dunlop, D.C. (S. Rhodesia)Dunning, E.H.
Dunningham, H.A.Dunsdon, P.L.
Durrant, Harold c. (Kensington, Jhb)Dymant, F.
Edmonds, E.P.P.(15)Edmonds, V.S.
Edmunds, O.I.Edmunds, T.L.
Edwards, N.B.Elsworth, J.C. (S. Rhodesia)
Emanuel, Stanley VictorEmmett, Edwin Cheere
English, C.R. (Mechanic)Epstein, M.G.
Eskoll, L.J.Evans, H.B.
Exley, G.Eyre, (S. Rhodesian)*(16)
Falck, J.R.Farquarson, W.
Faure, M.Fellowes, C.D. (S. Rhodesia)(17)
Ferreira, J.P.Findlay, J.P.
Finlay, R.Finlayson, A.G.
Finlayson, Robert (Kimberley)Firbank, G.B.J.
Fisher, George (RNAS)Fleming, I.G.
Fletcher, H.M.Forbes, D.T.
Forbes, J.H.Forbes, N.J.
Ford, H.Forrest, L.J.
Frame, G.T.Frames, N.W. (RNAS)*
Frank, C.Fraser, I.
Fraser, J.C. (P.E.)Frayne, C.W.
Frayne, Ormond (Pta)Frean, R.W.
Froneman, E.E.Fuhr, H.R.
Gadd, M.E.Gair, J.S.W.
Galloway, L.C.Garlake, J.
Gasson, C.B.Gateley, L.B.
Geerdts, D.W.George, H.B. (Rosebank)
Gibbs, S.H.Gibson, V.B.
Giemre, J.F.Gilfillan, A.W.*
Gilson, A.I.*Giovanetti, A.H.
Giovanetti, B.Giovanetti, A.H.*
Girdlestone, H.W.*Given-Wilson, G.
Glasse, E.S.*Glorney, E.E.
Goller, G.M.Goodbrand, W.H.
Goodwill, E.A.*Gordon, V.
Gordon-Davis, C.Graham, R.L.*
Grant, L.S.Gray, A.T. (RNAS)*
Gray, C.E.P.*Gray, J.C.
Gray, J.J.E.Greathead, A.H.
Greathead, J.H.*Greathead, W.R.
Green, J.C.Green, O.P.S.W.
Greenwood, E.Grey, W.M.R.
Grinstead, Sydney John (Observatory, CT)Griffin, E.R.M.
Griffiths, F.W.Grove-Spiro, Stanley (Wynberg, C.T.)(18)
Gubbin, J.R.F.*Guiney, R.
Hahn, B.D.L.Hancock, R.S. (Bfn)
Hangle,-Hamilton, R.V.
Halse, C.H.*Halse, Stanley Seward
Hare, Edward. J.*Hargrave, W.G.*
Harington, R.Harley, V.
Harran, F. St.P.*Harries, A.N.
Harries, W.T.*Harries, A.N.
Harris, A.H.Harris, D.
Harris, G.Harrison, A.H.
Harrison, C.P. (S. Rhodesia)Harrison, C.S.
Harrison, F.S.Harrison, F.T.
Harrison, T.S.Hartlett, A.F.
Harvey, -Havanagh, J.W.
Hawtrey, J.J.A.*Hayne, Edwin Tusnell(19)*
Head, W.L.Heather, H.G.
Helbert, B.Hele-Shaw, H.R.*
Hemming, A.S.Hemming, W.N.*
Henderson, Eric*Hewitt, R.
Heyman, W.A.C.Higham, H.D.
Hill, K.G.Hill, S. Norman (Jhb)
Hiscock, F.H.Hockey, G.W.
Hodges, Albert Rowland Cortis*Hofmeyr, Roland (Gardens)
Holland, C.Homan, H.B.*
Hook, P.C. (S. Rhodesia)Hope, G.C.
Hopkins, -Howe, P.F.
Hudson, R.J.Hug[h]es, C.P.R.
Hughes, E.P.*Hugo, N.J.B.
Hulley, E. (S. Rhodesia)Hunter, C.J. Gordon (Koffiefontein)
Hutson, D.B.*Hutton, A.P.
Hutton, S.B. 
Ingram, B.Irwin, H.O.
Iverach, P.N.Iverach, R.L.
Jackson, O.F.D.Jacot, E.*
Jardine, D.G.B.*Jaynes, V.F.
Jeffcoate, F.Jeffreys, H.W.
Jeppe, F.A.*Joffe, W.*
Johnson, D.S.*Johnson, D.T.
Johnson, E.Johnson, E.L.
Jones, A.D.R.Jones, Douglas (20)
Joyce, C.G.*Joyce, P.S.*
Judd, W.B. (Transvaal)(21)Judd, D.S.
Judd, W.B.Judson, D.S. (S. Rhodesia)
Katzin, F.N.Kavanagh, J.W.*
Keddy, T.Kellow, W.
Kelly, C. Air Mechanic*Kelly, V.T.
Kernick, G.H.Kerr, D.McC.*
Kerr, J.F.M.Kidd, C.O.D.
Kidd, P.L.Kiddie, A. Cameron(22)
Kincaid, C.H.King, A.G.J.
Kinkead, Samuel Marcus (R.N.A.S.)(23)Kinkead, T.C.*
Kilroe, V.Kinmont, G.
Kirk, P.Kirkpatrick, H.J.L.
Kirsten, J.F.P.Kirtley, V.C.
Knobel, F.H.Knoll, W.J.K.*
Kotze, J. 
Lambson, N.Latham, Edgar Retief*
Laughton, H.P.W.*Lawson, Chandos Frederick
Lawson, G.E.B.Leal, George*
Leggat, Arthur (Turffontein)Leighton, W.H.
Lepin, P.Lester, C.J.F.
Levi, B.L.Levin, H.H.
Levy, A.F.Levy, J.
Lewin, M.S.Lewis, D.G.(S. Rhodesia)(24)
Lewis, S.Lewis-Roberts, A.O.
Liddell, J.H.R.*Lindley, B.L.*
Lindsay, George KenyonLindup, E.
Lister, Roy (Harrismith & E.L.)Livingstone, A.F.
Lloyd, C.C.*Lloyd, G.L.(S. Rhodesia)
Lockett, C.W.Locke-Waters, E.
Logan, A.B.Lomax, A.K.
Lomax, R.H.N.Lotter, R.G.
Lotz, A.T.Louw, J.C.
Lowe, G.O. (Jhb)Lowenstein, J.C.*
Lownds, L.Lownds, R.H.*
Lundie, E.L.Luyt, H.V.C.
Maasdorp, C.R.*MacDonald, H.O.
MacDonald, H.R.*MacKay, J.I.
MacKenzie, J.D.MacRae, A.V.
Mahon, C.M.A.*Mail, James Douglas
Makepeace, Roy Victor NashMalet, F.A.R. (RNAS)*
Malroy, H.Mansell, T.W.
Marks, L.T.*Marquard, Leo (Winburg)
Marsh, Z.S.*Martin[e]ssen, K.E.
Massey-Hicks, M.B.Matcham, Ivan (Bfn)
Maxwell, Francis SevernMay, Bowen (S. Rhodesia)
Maytom, S.C.McBlaine, G.
McCarthy, A.B.McCarthy, B.L.
McClelland, H.McClure, Sam (Gardens, Cape Town)
McCubbin,-McDonald, D.P.
McGee, W.R.*McIntosh, Arthur Carter
McIntyre, Charles GrantMcIntyre, G.
McJannet, Arthur William *(25)McKechnie, Donald (Harrismith)
Meacham, Alan (RNAS) (Newlands, CT)Meintjies, H.
Meintjes, N.A.Mellish, J.W.S.
Mellor, C.B.Mendelssohn, L.
Meredith, C.W.Meyler, H.
Michell, Lewis(26)Middleton, G.N.*
Middleton, J.R.*Midgely, G.G.
Millar, E.R.W.Miller, A.M.
Miller, D.J.M.Mitchell, V.M. (Pmb)(27)
Moberly, G.S.Moody, B.H.
Moon, E.R.Moore, T.C.
Moore, W.G.Mord, H.*
Morgan, A.B.*Morgan, J.S.
Morgan, L.Morgan, T.P.
Morgan, W.Morison, J.S.*
Morris, M.Morrisby, W.J.
Morton, Reginald (Sea Point, CT)Mulroy, H.J.*
Murray, G.L.*Murray, R.*
Murray, W.R.Myburgh, J.A.*
Myers, F.M.*Myers, P.B.*
Naish, J.P.*Nangle, H.C.M.
Nathan, C.F.Naylor, W.H.
Nelson, F.W.Nesbitt, Athol
Neser, F.C.*Newberry, J.D.
Newby, W.Nicholls, E.J.
Nicholson, O.H.Nicholson, W.S.
Nicol, E.L.Nicolson, F.
Nightingale, F.Niven, W.A. Mackie
Norgarbe, G.Norgarbe, H.
Norton, B.L.Norton, N.J.
O'Beirne, A.J.L.O'Connor, O.
Oliver, C.K.Orpen, H.C.M.
Osborne, F.L.Osborne, H.
O'Shea, H.A.Osman, F.L.
Oxenboll, P.C. 
Palmer, Cecil R. (Rondebosch, C.T.)Palmer, J.
Papenfus, -Papson, A.P.
Parker, K.Parritt, -
Paterson, C.Payne, L.A.
Pender, W.G.(S. Rhodesian)*Pennington, K.M.
Penny, G.A.Phear, N.C.
Phillips, J.P.Phipson, H.G.S.
Pierce, R.G.*(28)Pilditch, G.
Pith[e]y, C.R.Polkinghorne, G.T.
Pople, W.Prentice, A.K.
Prentice, A.R.Prentice, J.
Pyott, Ian Vernon Jeffrey(29)Probart, W.A.B.
Probit, J.H.Probit, J.L. (C.T.)
Procter, H.O.Prideaux, E.R.
Pudney, R.E. 
Rainier, G.Ramsbottom, J.
Randles, L.Raymond, L.
Redler, H.B.Reed, A.E.
Reeler, W.L.Redmond, W.G.
Reid, J.D.Reynolds, E.G.
Rimer, J.C.*Rimer, F.A.
Ritchie, A.P.(30)Roberts, S.T. Chief Mech. (S. Rhodesia)
Roberts, T.Robertshaw, C.A.
Robinson, A.Rodda, G.T.
Rodger, H.A.Ross, C.G.
Rowe, J.L.Romyn, I.O.
Roxmouth, V.C.Royston, Cyril(31)
Rutherford, L.E.Rynhoud, Arthur (P.E. & C.T.)
Sancroft-Baker, A.H.Saunders, E.M.
Saunders, W.H.L.(32)Savage, G.R.
Savage, W.L.Scaife, G.
Schoch, Walter EugeneScholtz, E.
Sch[o]molle, J.G.Scott, M.H.
Seabrooke, J.P.Searle, R.J.
Sellar, B.Sephton, Stanley*
Shackell, C.J.Sharpe, M.
Sharwood, Alec RedversShearer, J.A.
Sheldon, A.V.(S. Rhod)Shell, W.H.
Sheppard, Urlyn (Jhb)Sherlock, C.
Sherwell, R.Simmons, A.
Slarke, C.W.Slatter, L.H. (R.N.A.S.)(33)
Smallwood, P.F.H.Smallwood, T.S.
Smith, Clifford P.Smithers, E.L.
Smulian, BarendSmuts, Neil Reitz
Schoeman, H.P.Solomon, F.
Solomon, S.Sondheim, W.*
Sonnenberg, Melville Charles*(34)Snyman, G.D.
Spencer, H.Spicer, E.D.
Spilhaus, J.A.Spiro, S.G.
Spranger, NormanSproat, C.M.
St. Leger, V.Stacey, D.W.
Stahel, A.M.Stainbank, Raymond Henry
Starfield, B.*Stead, I.O.
Stead, W.L.Steenberg, E.C.
Steenekamp, P.A.Steward, A.A.
Stewart, A.Steytler, E.D.
Stockenstroom, L.A.Stokes, R.C.
Straw, L.Straughan, C.F.
Struben, Henry MarinusStruthers, J.B. (S. Rhodesia)
Strydom, J.B.Stuart,C.
Stuart-Reeve, H.B.Style, C.S.
Sutton, J.G.Sutton, W.K.
Swift, S.R. 
Taggart, R.G.Tansen, A.
Tardugno, R.Tasker, W.T.B.
Tatham, I.M.*Taylor, C. st. C. (35)
Taylor, J.H.Thaites, W.A.
Thiron, W.Thomas, F.W.H. (Rhodesia)
Thomas, N.Thompson, C.R.
Thompson, J.Thomson, C.J.
Thomson, W.J.Thornhill, A.E.
Thornton, A.C.Tolson, Wilfred (P.E.)
Towne, L.F.Townsend, R.G.R.
Truscott, R.R.Trusson, A.
Tudhope, P.M.Tully, Henry C.
Turner, A.Turner, B.
Turner, R.G. 
Valentine, J.*Van Coller, -
Van der Berg, J.Van der Hoff, C.L.
Van der Merwe (OFS)Van der Riet, Ernest Franklin
Van der Riet, J.Van Ryneveld (Worcester)
Van der Spuy, K.R.Van Rijnveld, J.P.
Van Staden, L.G.Venter, C.J.
Vigne, J.C.Viney, T.E. (RNAS)*(36)
Viljoen, N.Vorster, W.L.
Wagner, E.T.Wagner, J.A.
Wallace, G.P.Wallace, K.H.
Wallack, K.H.Walters, H.A.
Warren, L.Watt, C.D.
Way, F.V.Weakley, E.G.K.
Weatherby, R.W.Weil, L.M.B. (RNAS)*
Weiner, Rudolf Alexander (C.T.)Westhofen, P.
Westwood, W.G.Webb, Arthur Sutton
Webb, J.R.Wheeler, Alan G. (RNAS)
White, A.S.White, C.S.
Whitty, J.L.Wickens, J.
Wienekowitz, H.Wiener, L de V.
Wiener, Rudolf AlexanderWilby, G.G.
Williams, L. (S. Rhodesia)Williams, P.
Williams, T.M.(37)Williams, T.S.
Wilson, F.B.Wilson, Herbert (C.T.)
Wilson, Holford W.(38).*Wilson, R.
Wisdom, G.E.C.Wise, O.S.
Wood, A.H.Wood, C.C.
Wood, G.N.Wright, B.N.
Wright, E.F.Wylde, T.E.
Yates, J.A.Yates, J.J.
Yell, R.H.Young, Denton Muir (Stellenbosch)
Young, P.H. 
* Died
N. Rhodesia - Northern Rhodesia
S. Rhodesia - Southern Rhodesia
R.N.A.S. - Royal Naval Air Service

1. This list contains 744 Names (approximately 35% of those Southern Africans believed to have served in the R.F.C., R.N.A.S. and the R.A.F.).
2. Approximately 10 000 Southern Africans were said to have served in the British Army, Royal Flying Corps, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Royal Naval Air Service and the Royal Marines during the war, either having enlisted directly or been attached to Imperial Units.
3. Second Lieutenant. M.C. and M.M.
4. Captain. D.F.C..
5. Flight Sub-Lieutenant.
6. Later Air Vice Marshal Sir C.J. Quinton Brand, R.A.F.. Brand commanded No 10 Group, R.A.F. during the Battle of Britain (1940). Retired from the R.A.F. in 1943, and settled in Southern Rhodesia where he passed away.
7. D.S.O.

8. Later Air Vice-Marshal Sir Leslie Oswald Brown. Born in Durban in 1893, he served with the South African forces in German South West Africa, before joining the R.N.A.S.. Brown was awarded the D.S.C.(1916) and A.F.C. (1918)during the war. He remained with the R.A.F. and served as A.O.C. No. 84 Group, R.A.F. (Tactical Air Force) in North West Europe during World War II. He subsequently retired from the R.A.F. and returned to South Africa where he passed away.
9. Later Air-Commodore, R.A.F., C.B., M.C., A.F.C. Son of Robert Westly Busk, of Uitenhage. Awarded the M.C. during WWI. Later United Kingdom Air Adviser in Canada (1949-1950).
10. Major, Royal Air Force, M.C. and A.F.C.. Later served with the Rhodesian Air Force.
11. Lieutenant Ivan Curlewis was the son of Mrs. Curlewis of Johannesburg, and served as a Prisoner of war in Germany for many months, a wounded knee causing him considerable pain. (S.A. Mag. 3 August 1918, p 160.)
12. Second son of Mrs. H. Deenik, of Muizenberg, Cape Town. (S.A. Mag. 21 September 1918, p 432).
13. Cadet Arthur Douglas, R.A.F.. arrived in England from Cape town in August 1918. Died from pneumonia at Bevan Hospital, Sandling. 30 years of age. (S.A. Mag. 21 December 1918).
14. John Olgivie Stanford Driver was born at Selukwe, Southern Rhodesia, on the 1 April, 1900.

15. Son of Pell Edmonds, of "Ripplemead", Cape Province, and educated at St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown. Edmonds was captured by the Germans and subsequently served as a P.O.W..
16. Born in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Possibly the First Rhodesian-born man to be killed during the First World War.
17. Captain C.D. Fellowes, M.C., A.F.C. (Hartley District, S.Rhodesia), Staffordshire Regiment, attached R.A.F.. S.A. Mag. 25 Jan. 1919, Rhodesia: Notes, p 159.
18. Son of M.L. Grove-Spiro, Wynberg. P.O.W. Karlsruhe. S.A. Mag. 4 May 1918, p 169.
19. D.F.C., D.S.O.. Hayne initially served with the RNAS Machine-Gun Section at Gallipoli and later secured a commission in the flying section of the RNAS, serving in France.
20. Son of Mr. G.M. Jones, of the National Bank, Johannesburg. Old K.E.S. Schoolboy. P.O.W..
21. Born in the Transvaal. Formerly of the 2nd Durham Light Infantry.

22. Son of Mr Andrew Kiddie, of Kimberley. Awarded D.F.C.
23. Captain Samuel Marcus "Kink" Kinkead was born in Johannesburg in 1897 and educated in Johannesburg. He joined the Royal Naval Air Service in 1915 and served in the Dardanelles with No. 3 Naval Wing, where he accounted for his first three victories. He later served on the Somme and at Ypres with No. 1 Naval Squadron. No. 1 Naval Squadron (R.N.A.S.) became No 201 Squadron upon the amalgamation of the R.F.C. and R.A.F. in April 1918. Kinkead finished the war with 33 victories accredited to him. He later served with No 47 Squadron of the British Expeditionary Force to Russia. Kinkead was killed in 1928 while a member of the R.A.F. Schneider Trophy team, while attempting to break the world air speed record in a Supermarine S5.This phenomenal pilot ended up with the D.S.O., D.S.C. and Bar, and the D.F.C. and Bar. There is a permanent memorial to Flight Lieutenant Kinkead, at Calshot, Hampshire, where he was killed on the 12 March 1928.
24. Born at Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. Served with no 3 Squadron, R.A.F.. the last man to be shot down by the "Red Baron" on the 20 April 1918, but survived and served as a P.O.W. at Graudenz. Died in 1978.
25. Second-Lieutenant Arthur William McJannet was the fourth son of James McJannet, of East London, South Africa. He was educated at the Diocesan Grammar School, East London, and later attended Bedford School in England. He later returned to South Africa, and went overseas with the South African Contingent, serving with the South Africans in Egypt and at Delville Wood. He received a commission in the R.F.C. in April 1917, and was reported killed in action on the 31 October 1917. His Major wrote of him: "He was showing great promise and was always keen and cheerful." (S.A. Mag. 10 November 1917, p. 208.)
26. Son of Sir Lewis Michell. Initially served with the London regiment in France, being awarded the M.C., and was later attached the School of Aerial Gunnery at Hythe, and subsequently left for Egypt on the strength of the R.F.C. (S.A. Mag. 23 Feb 1918, p 272)
27. Second son of E.H. Mitchell, of Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Formerly employed on the staff of the National Bank at Mooi River. Was severely injured in aeroplane accident at Port Said, Egypt. (S.A. Mag. 14 December 1918)
28. Son of Mrs. David Pierce, of Fairview, near Heilbron. He was 22 years of age at the time of his death, and was a member of the local firm of Messrs. John Pierce and Co.. Served in East Africa, where he contracted fever, and was sent back to South Africa. Joined the R.F.C. and went to England in February 1917. Went to France in February 1918, and was killed on 3 July 1918. (S.A. Mag. 21 September 1918).

29. Pyott was born in Scotland in 1896 and was educated at Grey High School, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and Edinburgh. He initially served with the Machine Gun Corps (MGC) and Tanks. He then transferred to the R.F.C. and was granted a commission. He is well-known for his endeavours on the 27 November 1916, when he succeeded in destroying the Zeppelin, Z.34, at Hartlepool, whereupon he was awarded the D.S.O.. Pyott later served in France with No's. 66 and 58 Squadrons respectively.
30. Later Air Vice Marshal, R.A.F.
31. Son of Colonel Royston of Natal, South Africa, Lieutenant Royston was commissioned when 18 years of age, and joined the 18th Lancers, Indian Army, later transferring to the R.F.C./R.A.F. as liaison officer. He was wounded but recuperated. (S.A. Mag. 19 January 1918, p. 84)
32. Later Air Chief-Marshal Sir William Lumsden "Dingbat" Saunders, R.A.F.. Born in Johannesburg, and educated at the Marist Brothers College, in Johannesburg, Saunders then worked in the Survey department of the Witwatersrand Deep Gold Mining Company. During the war, he initially served with the 1st Mounted Engineers during the German South West African Campaign, and with the 8th South African Horse in German East Africa, before joining the R.F.C.. During World War II, Saunders commanded No. 11 Group, Fighter Command (1942-1944) and after the cessation of hostilities, was appointed A.O.C. in-Chief, Bomber Command (1947) and also served as Inspector-General of the R.A.F..
33. Later Air Marshal Sir Leonard Horatio Slatter, R.A.F.. Born in Durban, South Africa, on the 8 December, 1894, he was educated at Dale College, in South Africa, and served with the R.N.A.S. during W.W.I., being awarded the D.S.C. and bar, and the D.F.C.. Slatter remained with the R.A.F. after the war, and during World War II served as commander of 15 Group, Coastal Command, R.A.F. and after the war as A.O.C.-in-Chief, Coastal Command (1945-1948).
34. Lieutenant Melville Charles Sonnenberg, R.A.F.. The only son of M.C. and the late Betty Sonnenberg, of Sea Point, Cape Town. Lieutenant Sonnenberg is reported having died of wounds received in France on the 19 September 1918. (S.A. Mag. 14 December 1918)
35. Tayler farmed in Swaziland before the war. His Mother resided at Auckland Park, Johannesburg, and his brother, E.P. Tayler was reported missing, presumed dead, in October 1916. Tayler initially served with the Royal Sussex regiment before transferring to the R.F.C., and was awarded the M.C. for, "conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading offensive patrols against enemy aircraft. On five occasions, at least, he and his patrol have attacked and brought down hostile machines. These successes were almost entirely due to his very skilful piloting ." (S.A. Mag., 19 January 1918, p 85).

36. D.S.O.
37. Later Air Marshal Sir Thomas Melling Williams. Born in England, he grew up in South Africa and was educated at Germiston in Johannesburg. Williams initially served with the South African infantry in German East Africa, before joining the R.F.C. and served in England, France and with the British expeditionary force to Russia (1919). He remained with the R.A.F. after the war and during World War II served as A.O.C. Bengal command, R.A.F. (1943), Deputy Commander, H.Q. Eastern Air Command (Air Command South East Asia) in 1944, and as Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Operations (1944-1947). Williams later also served as A.O.C.-in.C, B.A.F.O., Germany (1948-1951).
38. Killed in an aircraft accident. Only son of Wesley Wilson, of Fort Beaufort. Initially served in German South West African and East African campaigns before joining the R.A.F. (S.A. Mag. 14 December 1918)

(c) Ross Dix-Peek 2007 In July 2013 the following e-mail was received from Veronica van Zyl (

Subject: A.E.Lundie

Among the list of World War 1 airmen from South Africa you have listed “Lundie, E. L.” I have reason to believe that the initials may be wrong as my great uncle was Arnold Ernest Lundie and he was a WW1 airman, but is not listed on you site.

Veronica van Zyl

Arnold Ernest Lundie

In May 2020 the following e-mail was received from Warrick Nelson (

I was interested to discover this page today. My grandfather was not involved in flying, serving instead in the SA Field Ambulance, but two of his brothers were.
F W Nelson is listed (Frank Wright)
However, their older brother, Ernest Wright Nelson is not listed. He was born in Barkly East, 1877. He served in East Africa, earning the Distinguished Service Medal.

My father notes in a family history:
On 5 August 1914, a few days after war was declared, he joined the East African Volunteer Artillery and served till 21st May 1915 with the rank of sergeant. He returned to survey work for a few months but on 22nd December he joined a squadron of the Royal Naval Air Service then in East Africa and was discharged on 4 July 1917 to return to survey work. During his service with the Navy he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for the following deed as reported in the Mombasa Times of 13 June 1917.


The trip was not devoid of excitement, Mehenje was safely reached, but while over the position, the petrol tank began to leak. This was a serious matter for Lieut. Moore and his assistant air mechanic, Nelson, were over 150 miles from home, in enemy territory, amongst country where it was impossible to make a landing, and with only sufficient petrol to do the retum journey if none was wasted. But Nelson rose to the occasion and showed his resource, initiative, and presence of mind. By a clever arrangement with his pocket handkerchief, he managed to catch the petrol as it escaped, and conducted it back to the reserve tank. Njombe was reached safely, but there was less than half a gallon of petrol in the tank when the daring aviators got back to the hangar. The General Office Commanding strongly recommended Lieut. Moore and air-mechanic Nelson to General Smuts for recognition of their excellent work and services.

He returned to Johannesburg and on 6 May 1918 signed on provisionally with the Royal Air Force and started training as a pilot, but was notified on 18 November 1918 that ‘owing to a change in the European situation his services would no longer be required‘.

I trust this might be a useful addition to the record. AS he served in East Africa, it is easy to overlook his South African connection.

Their father (Charles Edward Nelson) served in a number of campaigns in the Eastern Cape in the late 1800s. I have recently transcribed letters he wrote to his parents from this period and made them available 10.5281/zenodo.3692090

Peter Duby e-mailed in September 2020 as follows:

"... my grandfather, Lieutenant George Arthur Limouzin, was awarded the Royal Aero Club licence 2491 at Shoreham airfield near Brighton on 29 January 1916 and was posted to the newly formed 26th (South African) Squadron Royal Flying Corps which he followed to Tanganyika in mid-1916. In Tanganyika he flew Bristol BE2Cs and Henri Farman HF27s in support of Gen. Jan Smuts’ advance along the Pangani River. He unfortunately contracted malaria in 1917 and was recuperating in a military nursing home in St.James in the Cape (South Africa) when 26 squadron was disbanded at Blandford Camp in Britain on 8 July 1918. "

If you want to read the military service record of George Alfred Limouzin: service record

Andrew Mardell e-mailed in March 2021 as follows:

"I would like to add another person to your list of South African airmen who served in in the RAF during WW1. My great grandfather, Jack Bruce Wilson (Service Record Air 76/554/71 National Archives) from Port Elizabeth, served from 11 May 1918 until his release from service 14 June 1919."

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